Search for Bexar County Warrants and Arrest Records - Complete Guide
Information about Bexar County warrants is shared with the public. It is the authorities' interest to cooperate with the county's residents hoping to get some clues about fugitives that may lead to their apprehension.
How to inquire about arrest warrants?
It's quite simple. The sheriff processes all Bexar County warrants that are delivered to him by the court. Visit his office at 200 N Comal St. San Antonio, Texas 78207 (ph: 210-335-6000) to ask if a certain person is on their wanted list.
Conducting an arrest inquiry
There are two types of search you can perform:
1) To track Bexar County arrest records, refer to the sheriff's online
jail activity report. It also includes information on probation cases. Data is arranged according to monthly dates.
2) To run a much wider investigation in order to find Texas arrest records, go to the computerized
Criminal History Name Search of the TxDPS. This data bank presents suspects arrested statewide for crimes more serious than Class B misdemeanor. Searching a name costs money.
For a TX inmate search, navigate to the
TDCJ Offender Information Search. This free-of-charge online tool presents the state's prison records.
Searching for Bexar County criminal records
You ought to bear in mind that Bexar County warrants or arrest records do not indicate that a person has committed an offense. Criminal guilt can be established in court only.
To discover if a person has a history of convictions and thus a criminal record on his /her name, you will need to do a case search. The District Clerk allows you to
view Criminal court dockets on their website. You can also run an alphabetical name search
Using one comprehensive inquiry tool
Instead of referring to so many online and offline databases, you can run one comprehensive background check that will give you all that you need to know about a person's criminal history.
By doing a simple name-based search on USARRESTSEARCH.ORG, you will get a detailed report showing Bexar County warrants, jail and prison records, court dockets and more. Results are accurate and updated. Searchers anonymity is guaranteed.